The Coaching Process



No two coaching engagements are the same so each is tailored to your specific needs, objectives and budget.  That said, all coaching engagements follow the format outlined below.



Engaging in coaching is one of the strongest personal commitments you make.  It is important to work with a coach who is a good fit.  This first meeting, whether it is in person, by phone or via Skype is vitally important to your success.  The match needs to feel right for us both or we will not be able to do our best work.   If it is not a good fit, I am happy to connect you to a coach in my network who may better support you.


Before we get started we will discuss the duration of our engagement which could be as short as three months or as long as a year.  We will determine the scope of our work and the duration and frequency of our meetings by defining your objectives along with specific milestones and checkpoints along the way to measure your progress.  We will co-create the plan together and use this as a tool along the way. 


Once we know what your objectives are, how we are going to measure success and the duration of our time together we are ready to dig in.  This process is highlighted by regularly scheduled meetings either in person, by phone or Skype or some combination.  Meetings are usually an hour every other week and designed to give you the space, time and focus you need to create change.  I support this process by asking you specific questions, keeping you accountable to the objectives and providing support resources and suggested follow-up activities to keep the process going between sessions.

Every meeting starts with a check-in, where are we now, what insights and/or actions have happened, what are next steps and then we end with a check-out.  Focused, targeted, and never taking our eyes of the prize.


In between sessions support is available to you via email or 15 minute phone appointments.  You will also have access to resources (videos, articles, content, books, etc.) relevant to your coaching objective.


As we get close to the end of the engagement we will assess where you are, check our success milestones and make sure your objective is either in reach or you are ready to continue on your own.